For an existing patio space or one you’re planning, a backyard fire pit can provide a warm glow for your family and guests to gather around on warm clear nights all year round!

In this part of California, we get clear weather through all four seasons. To better take advantage of that, a fire pit can provide mesmerizing ambiance for guests gathered around on comfy seating. Sometimes, encouraging family members or guests to head outside can be a challenge! But the relaxing allure of a glowing fire can entice older kids to leave their smart devices inside and head out to roast marshmallows or talk to each other face to face, rather than through their devices. Or it could help get your adult dinner guests out under the stars for a glass of good wine.
Round or square fire pits can be built out of a variety of materials from very inexpensive to luxury landscape materials. Before undertaking the building of a fire pit, do think about fire safety. Is there a very low overhanging roof or awning that may catch fire? If so, look for another, better location for your fire pit in that case. Also consider, are there very young children in the house who will need to be carefully watched and taught how to be safe around an open fire? A grated cover can help, but never leave young children unattended around a fire pit for their safety.
Talk with our staff to learn about integrating a fire pit into your backyard, how to add one on top of your existing patio area if it’s made of an appropriate material, or how to include a fire pit in your larger patio layout plans during the planning stages.